iOS12 WebAR|iPhoneXS / XS Max
iOS 12 has been released. I will release the WebAR of a new function. WebARコンテンツ Each AR starts with the image tap of XS, XS Max. ...
3D Digital Archive Works & TIPS +++
iOS 12 has been released. I will release the WebAR of a new function. WebARコンテンツ Each AR starts with the image tap of XS, XS Max. ...
ARKitRemote worked on Windows. It's not virtual OS usage. Roughly procedure Install ARKitRemote on iPhone from Mac. Connect ...
◆Unity→iOSビルド ◆プロジェクトファイルをXcodeにてビルド ◆"linker command failed with exit code 1 unity" すると最後にこのエラー! 一行上には「library not found fo...