Unityのエディタ上でARKitの動作確認ができる「ARKit Remote」の使い方。
まずBitBucketまたはUnity Asset StoreからUnity ARKit Remoteを含む最新のUnity ARKit Pluginコードをダウンロードします。
それがUnity ARKit Remoteであることを示す必要があります。
Unity ARKitプラグインを使用するアプリケーションを含むシーンを開きます。
それは、 “エディタの接続を待っている”という黒い画面を表示する必要があります。
この手順では、デバイス上のUnity ARKit Remoteアプリケーションにエディタを接続する必要があります。
これは、Unity 2017.1が便利な場所です。
コンソールウィンドウに「Connected player」というメニュー項目があり、
Unity 5.6のバリアントでは、ウィンドウ/プロファイラメニューからプロファイラウィンドウを作成する必要があります。
そしてProfilerウィンドウの一番上に、あなたのデバイスを選択するためのドロップダウン “Active Profiler”があります。
ステップ6で成功した場合は、ゲームウィンドウの上部に「Start Remote ARKit Session」と書かれたボタンがあります。
1. First download the latest Unity ARKit Plugin code that includes the Unity ARKit Remote from either bitbucket or Unity Asset Store.
2. Build the scene called UnityARKitRemote out to your compatible iOS device. You should use “Development Build” in your Build Settings. This is the only build time to iOS you will need to endure – the rest of the iterations on your project can happen in the editor. When you build out to iOS, you should change the product name and bundle identifier in the PlayerSettings to signify that it is the Unity ARKit Remote.
3. Open the scene which contains your app that uses the Unity ARKit Plugin. From the ARKitRemote folder, add the ARKitRemoteConnection prefab into the root of your scene. If you want to test it out, it has already been added to EditorTestScene in the same folder.
4. Run the UnityARKitRemote app from step 2 on your device. It should display a black screen with “Waiting for editor connection..”
5. Press play in the editor: your game window should have a green screen with “Please connect to player in the console menu” near the bottom.
6. In this step we need to connect the editor to the Unity ARKit Remote app on the device. This is where Unity 2017.1 comes in handy: it has a menu item in the Console window to “Connected player” with a dropdown of all the available players to connect to. Select the one that corresponds to your device. In Unity 5.6 variants, you have to create a Profiler window via Window/Profiler menu. And then at the top of the Profiler window, there is a dropdown “Active Profiler” from which you select your device.
7. If you were successful in step 6, you should have a button on the top part of your Game window labelled “Start Remote ARKit Session” in editor that when pressed will start the ARKit session on the device and start transmitting data to the editor. The editor should be displaying the same video as the device, as well as navigating through your scene, and it will momentarily start showing the point cloud data as well as the planes found.